What Does Your Lawn Need as the Weather Cools?
Preparing Your Lawn for Winter: Where to Start
When preparing your lawn for winter you want to make sure it doesn't just survive, you want your yard to thrive through the colder months. And more than just your grass. Your flowerbeds, hedges, trees, and other outside plant life all need a little attention as the weather begins to cool. But don't worry, we're going to walk you through where to start.

Fertilizer Designed for the Season
Not all fertilizers are the same. During the summer, for example, low-nitrogen fertilizers are best, while high-nitrogen fertilizers are best in the spring, fall, and winter. Fertilizer mixes vary from season to season on the ratio of ingredients, primarily nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. For the winter months, be sure to find Winterizer, a fertilizer specifically tailored to that time of year. These are designed to encourage deep root growth to help your grass survive the coming harsh weather.

Protect Piping
Whether an outlying spigot or an entire irrigation system, when winter is coming you need to be prepared to protect it. Water freezing inside piping can cause the pipes to burst and result in costly plumbing or irrigation bills.
Before freezing weather rolls in, be sure to drain your irrigation system. Water left int he lines could potentially freeze and damage the piping. Additionally, any outdoor spigots need to be protected. Have spigot covers ready and be sure to cover them before any freezing weather.

Cut Away in the Cold
Winter is a great time to cut down shrubs to the size you want. While plants are dormant, you can cut them much further down. Then in the spring watch the new growth come back but at the size you wanted. But be sure to know your plants. Not all shrubs do well being cut down too much. Ask an expert or do a good bit of research so as to avoid potentially damaging your killing your plants.
Need Some Help?
If you need help from a local lawn care company, just give us a call. Our team is standing by with advice and expert services for all your lawn care needs.