Should You Clean for Your Cleaner?

clean for your cleaners

Understanding the Etiquette of Hiring Maid Services

When hiring a maid service, several questions can pop into your mind, one of these being: "Should I clean for my cleaner?" To some, the very notion may appear paradoxical.  After all, isn't the point of hiring a maid service to handle the mess?  Yet, the etiquette of maintaining a considerate relationship with your house cleaner is nuanced.  Let's delve deeper into this topic.

Understanding What Service You're Hiring: What Do They Do and Not Do?

The first step in answering these questions is understanding what services you're hiring.  Keep in mind that cleaners are professionals who are there to provide a specialized service.  Most commonly, they sanitize, dust, vacuum, mop floors, and provide an overall deeper cleaning level than most people typically do during their routine tidying up.  However, it is essential to clarify what tasks are included in your agreement and what falls outside their purview.  For instance, washing dishes, laundry, or decluttering may not be tasks they handle unless explicitly stated.  Similarly, not all services will deal with biohazards, like pet accidents or mold.  Therefore, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the services provided.

Make it All Accessible: Pick Up the Clutter

Which brings us to decluttering. While it may seem contradictory, it is preferred that you tidy up your space before the cleaning service arrives.  This doesn't mean scrubbing floors or disinfecting the bathroom - that's their job.  Rather, it involves picking up extraneous items scattered around clothing, toys, random dishes, or paperwork that obstruct access to the areas that need to be cleaned.  Leaving these items lying around will only slow down the cleaners and take away their focus from the heavy-duty cleaning they're hired to do.  By taking a few minutes to pick up the clutter and making all areas needing attention accessible, you ensure your cleaners can perform their job accurately and efficiently while focusing on tasks like deep-cleaning your bathroom or scrubbing your stove.

Don't Be Gross: If You Wouldn't Want to Touch It, a Professional Cleaner Won't Either

Cleaners are committed professionals, but they are not miracle workers nor should they be subject to hazardous conditions.  If there's an issue in your home that is particularly gross, deal with it yourself beforehand, or discuss it with the cleaning company to see if they can handle it.  Remember the golden rule: if you wouldn't want to touch it, a professional cleaner probably won't either.  For instance, don't expect your cleaner to unclog a toilet filled to the brim or tackle a severe mold situation.  Situations like these might even require more specialized services.  If you're confused as to what you should clean for your cleaner or need to reference a check list, Angi has a great one to help you get ready.

Ready for a Professional Deep Clean?

If you're ready to get your home professionally cleaned, then we're ready to help make it perfect.  Give us a call or send us a message to receive your free estimate today!

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