Hurricane Preparedness: Generators, Grinder Pumps, & More

Hurricane Preparedness: Where to Start?
The CDC does a great job making sure we understand what the news is telling us, like the difference between a watch and a warning. They also remind us to prepare an evacuation plan and to have plenty of basic supplies on hand. And there are plenty of great resources for learning things like the best ways to board and secure your home to protect your doors and windows. But often times these articles leave out a few key hurricane preparedness elements. As a home service company, we understand the importance of a few things others often don't think about.
Beyond your evacuation plan and having bottled water and other supplies, your home's electrical, plumbing, and other systems need to be prepped as well.
Understand Your Plumbing
One of the most common things that happens during bad storms, especially hurricanes, is the loss of electricity. Short of installing one of the best home generators like a Kohler or Generac, you're likely to be without power after a major storm anywhere from a few hours to several days or weeks. Realizing you may be without electricity is commonsense when thinking of how hurricanes may impact you. But what about your ability to use the bathroom?
Typically, you don't lose water after major storms. It can happen, but not as easily as the loss of electricity. But depending on your home's plumbing systems, even if you have water you might not be able to keep using the commode. Homes with grinder pumps or sump pumps will find their sewage backing up pretty quickly if these pumps aren't able to run.
Any decent hurricane preparedness is going to include stocking non-perishable items, probably propane for the grill to be able to heat up canned goods, bottled water, as well as other basic supplies necessary for surviving extended power outages. But preparing to be able to still use the potty is tricky and will require some thought. If your home has a grinder pump, it is critical to have at least a small portable generator. Having a generator large enough to plug in periodically and run your pump manually is necessary for keeping your sewage system available and functioning properly.
What if I Don't Have a Generator?
If you don't have a generator to use to occasionally operate your grinder pump, you'll need to be mindful of how much you flush or use your sinks. Your sewage storage tank is only so large, and once it is full it will begin backing up into your home if the pump is not able to push it out to the city sewer.

Home Generators: Don't Just Assume They'll Work
When discussing home generators, there are two types to consider: whole home generators and portable generators. With both types their purpose is simply to provide power to all or part of your home, but each type can face different difficulties when it comes to using them after a storm.
Whole Home Generators
When you have a fixed home generator, like a Kohler or Generac, it should be cycling on weekly as part of its self maintenance. But when's the last time you were home and paid attention to when it did this? It's not an uncommon call for us to have a customer say they lost power only to realize their generator isn't working, and usually they can't say the last time it successfully cycled. Fortunately, this is an easy disaster to avoid. Simply go out to your generator and perform a manual test at the start of hurricane season and again any time a named storm threatens your area. If the unit doesn't run, get it checked out fast.
Portable Generators
Portable generators come with two potential problems when a storm is bearing down on you: you probably have not used it in a while and it may not work, and you have to secure fuel for it. Be sure to get your portable out at least once a year and run it for a while, and don't just let it idle. Connect it to something and put a load on it. This is critical to keeping your portable in working order. And as for the fuel, just be sure to stock up in time.
If You Don't Have a Generator, Buy the Best From the Best
When considering a home generator purchase, it's important to not only pick the best generator brand there is but also the best installation company. Not every generator installer offers maintenance and repair services. In trying to be prepared for hurricane season, if you've not built a relationship with a full-service generator company then you may have a problem. Finding someone at the last minute to provide required maintenance or service may be difficult when a named storm is bearing down on your area.

Debris Removal: Have a Service Picked Out
Debris in your yard can be a major obstacle for getting back to normal after a storm. Trees may be fallen and blocking your driveway or excessive limbs and other debris may create unsafe conditions in your yard for pets and children. Regardless of how troublesome it is or isn't, debris has to be removed.
Have your debris removal service chosen before the storm and give them a call right after. Debris removal becomes a high-demand service pretty quickly after hurricanes, so you want to call before or right after the storm to be on a list for assistance. Definitely keep Surfside Lawn Care in mind for your debris removal, but at least make sure you have someone on speed dial who is ready to help.

Whole-Home Surge Protection: Keep Your Home Secure
With major storms comes the risk of lightening strikes. This can be result in costly repairs that while they may be covered by insurance will likely require deductibles and a lot of headache to get it resolved. That's why we recommend starting off with whole-home surge protection.
Surge protection is simple and affordable. Once installed, it can help protect your entire home from damaging lightening strikes. Start with a free estimate from one of our electricians and end with an affordable quote and exemplary installation.

Have Questions or Need Service?
Give us a call or message us with any questions you may have on hurricane preparedness. It's important to us that our customers are ready for any outages or damage they may suffer.
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