AC Blowing Hot Air? These Might Be The Reasons

No one likes when their AC is blowing hot air. Your air conditioner is supposed to be removing heat from your home, not adding it or just circulating warm air to make you miserable. When you're dealing with an AC blowing hot air, something is clearly wrong. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can check first before having to call an HVAC expert to check it out.
Check the Filter
Restricted air flow is a leading cause of a poorly performing air conditioner. Therefore, the first thing to do when your AC is blowing hot air is to check the filter. Clogged filters can significantly reduce air flow, causing the air conditioner to fail and sometimes ice up. To resolve this, simply remove the filter and replace it. Generally, this should be done once per month.
Check if the Outside Unit is Running
If your inside air handler is running, that does not mean the outside condenser is as well. Sometimes this can be a major mechanical issue that will require an air conditioning technician, but sometimes it's a simple fix. If your outside unit isn't running and inside your unit is blasting hot air, check the drain line. It's possible the drain line is clogged and tripping your safety switch. When a safety switch trips it sometimes turns off the thermostat, but other times it is wired to disable to outside condenser. If this turns out to be the case, try pouring bleach down the drain line. If bleach doesn't resolve the clog, call an expert to come and clear it out.
Is Your Thermostat Set Correctly?
It may seem ridiculous to suggest, but you need to make sure your thermostat is set correctly. We've been called out to customer's homes just to find that had their unit set to heat mode mistakenly. Be sure it is set to cool and at your desired temperature.
Are Your Vents Blocked?
It tends to be more of an issue when a home has floor vents, but sometimes it can seem like your AC is blowing hot air because your vents are blocked and your home isn't able to cool correctly. Check your vents for any obstructions or damage or for if they may even be closed.
Still Dealing with an AC Blowing Hot Air?
After following all of these steps, if your AC is blowing hot air still then it maybe time to reach out to a professional HVAC contractor for help. We're always just a phone call away. If you would like to receive a free quote from us, contact us today!