What Should You Not Put Down Your Drain?

Not Everything Should Get Flushed or Poured Down Your Drains
Just because it can go down the drain doesn't mean it should. Sinks, toilets, and other drains are not intended to be the ultimate disposal solution. Putting products down your drains that don't belong can clog your pipes, damage your grinder pump, and cause a number of other issues.
When it comes to what should not get put down your drains, some items on the list may surprise you. Items you should not put down your drains includes:
Drano Doesn't Belong in Your Drains
Despite being marketed as a drain-cleaning product, Drano and other similar products should not be run through your plumbing. Besides being harmful to the environment, Drano can damage your pipes.
Are Flushable Wipes Flushable?
It's a popular plumbing myth that flushable wipes are actually flushable. Although their name suggests they can safely be flushed, any kind of wipe being flushed risks clogging your pipes or damaging your grinder pump.
Oils and Fats Clog Pipes and Arteries
Pouring grease or oil down the drain is never a good idea. Besides clogging your heart's arteries, oils and fats will also clog your drains. As they cool, they will congeal and create blockages.
Coffee Grounds Belong in the Trash
Putting coffee grounds down your drains is like dumping sand into your plumbing. It will get heavy with water and find a place to sit inside your pipes, ultimately creating a clog.
Kitty Litter Should Go Out in a Bag
Scoop your kitty litter into a bag and toss it in the trash, because if you pour it down your drains you will almost immediately experience a clog. Worse than coffee grounds, kitty litter will quickly create a plumbing disaster.
Fluffy Flour Makes Thick Paste
Flour when water is added to it becomes a thick paste. Any kind of thick paste is a recipe for clogs and added stress on your grinder pump.
Not All Food is Safe to Drain
Even if you're using a garbage disposal, not all food should go down your drain. Fibrous foods, pasta, rice, and potato peels will get tangled inside your plumbing until you have a total blockage.
Paper Products Tear but Don't Dissolve
Despite paper products like paper towels, napkins, and paper plates tearing easily, especially when wet, they're not safe to flush down your drains. Paper products will ball up and wrap around things and create tough-to-clear clogs that will likely require a licensed plumber to fix.
Condoms Aren't a Good Time for Your Plumbing
It might be a good time when a condom is needed, but that's never the case when our plumbers have to pull it out of your clogged drain. These products do not break down and will sit in your pipes forever, catching other debris and creating blockages.
Feminine Product Usage Shouldn't Destroy Your Plumbing
Tampons, pads, and other feminine hygiene products may be tempting to flush and forget about them, but you'll get reminded quickly when your plumber dislodges them from your grinder pump. Moral of the story: don't flush feminine hygiene products.
Just because it is liquid doesn't mean it will drain away well. Paint will thicken and create a plumbing nightmare that might cost a small fortune to fix.
Now you know what you should not put down your drain. However, if you're unsure or have other plumbing related questions, or if you've already made the mistake of flushing something wrong and now are dealing with a disaster, we can help. Our team is happy to answer any questions you have and we can certainly fix whatever plumbing problem you may face.