What Are Sewer Cleanouts and Where To Find Them?

What is a Sewer Cleanout?
A sewer cleanout is an essential access point to your home or business' sewage system. It allows a plumber or sewer and drain specialist to access various points of your sewage pipe in the event you have a clog or require a camera inspection. Without it, sometimes you may not be able to access the entirety of your sewer system from an access point inside your home such as a toilet. This can mean being unable to reach the clog or other obstruction to resolve or investigate a sewage problem.
How Do I Find My Sewer Cleanout?
Finding your sewer cleanout isn't always easy. Depending on how your home is designed and what geographic area you live in, your cleanout could be located in one of several places.
The Roof
Some homes have their cleanout located on the roof. This can be dangerous to access, so many plumbing companies will recommend installing a new cleanout in the yard. If it is safely accessible, however, you simply have to circle your home inspecting your roof until you find it and then utilize it.
The Flowerbed
Sometimes you can find your cleanout located in the flower garden in the front of the home. Search around looking for a white or green cap sticking up or maybe slightly buried. When you locate it, you've found your sewer cleanout.
The Yard
Your sewage pipe runs between the home and the street, unless you have a septic tank and then it runs between it and the home. Look in your yard between your home and your sewage's ultimate exit source. It may be one or two white or green caps sticking up in your yard if you have a cleanout installed.
What If I Don't Have a Cleanout?
A cleanout isn't always a requirement for your home's sewage system. If you've not had any kind of major sewage stoppages, then you've likely not encountered the need to find your cleanout. If that need arises, however, and you find you don't have a sewage cleanout installed, you may have to get one. But until you have a problem come up, it isn't anything to worry about. Either you have one and don't currently need it, or if the need arises it can be easily installed.
Considering Installing a Cleanout?
If you're dealing with a current sewer stoppage or have been having regular sewer line issues, a cleanout may make dealing with these problems easier. Our team can come out and discuss your situation. From there, we'll make recommendations that may include installing a new sewer cleanout. Give us a call today to schedule your free estimate.